Our vetted network of global healthcare stakeholders and experts are compensated for participating in our online client surveys via our RPR platform, answering questions when they are able based on their own schedules. It’s an innovative and convenient way for payers and other stakeholders to lend their expertise to vital research.
Stakeholder engagement
Join our vetted global stakeholder network
Are you an experienced stakeholder keen to use your knowledge to shape new product developments? If so, consider joining our network of payers and other experts to participate in essential surveys via our user-friendly RPR platform.

Benefits of joining the network



Participate at
your convenience
Stakeholder network
Why participate?
- Generate vital new knowledge. Be a key contributor and reshape the industry, joining over 3,500 experts across 65+ countries.
- Double-blinded interaction. RPR’s interactive portal allows you to engage with complete anonymity and privacy.
- Flexibility. Answer manufacturer’s questions at your convenience when it suits your schedule. There is no need to answer questions all in one sitting.
- Competitive honoraria. Receive the same level of compensation as you would from participating in traditional research.
- User-friendly. Surveys are a mix of quantitative (drop-downs, ranking and rating and multiple choice) and qualitative questions, with rationale open text boxes only when required.
- Compliance with industry standards. Fully compliant with international market research codes of conduct research.

Are you interested in being remunerated to contribute to cutting-edge research that helps patients receive new treatments?
111 River Street, Suite 1120
Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, US